SCROLL DOWN: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011: SA 22 UNTIL SO 30 OCT 2011: PARTICIPATION DUTCH DESIGN WEEK AT ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE IN EINDHOVEN WITH:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 - 20 OCTOBRE 2011: ARTIST IN RESIDENCY PROJECT AT ARTSPACE RHIZOMATIC
an experiment combining "The Rauschmaschine" with projection, choosing for black and white lines, in contrast with the blockform of my machine: 20 october "IN CONCERT WITH THE STAALKABOUT", presentation of my project with guest-artists: Click here for more pictures of the evening at Rhizomatic, with visitors participating ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 SEPTEMBER: ORGANIZING RAMMELFEST 5.VIS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 SEPT 2011: FRINGE - FESTIVAL Een uitnodiging voor de powerperformance bij fietsenmaker Kwikfiets: Ruyterkade 105h Wat heb ik nu aan mijn fiets hangen? CLICK FOR MORE PICTURES 6 september: Premiere om 23.00 7 september: 23.00 8 en 9 september: 00.00 Soundscape door: Sjoerd Leijten en Margriet Kicks Ass with the Rauschmaschine Spel: Peter F. Domela Nieuwenhuis Regie en produktie: Kraakhelder Concept: J.W. de Zwart en Pater P. mmv: Pick Up Club en Kwikfiets -------------------------------------- 2 & 3 SEPTEMBER: WITH MY RAUSCHMASCHINE TO MENTAL ZIRKUS, SUPAMOLLY, BERLIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 AUGUST: PLAYING WITH THE RAUSCHMASCHINE AT KNOCHENBOX, BERLIN CLICK PICTURES FOR MORE PICTURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 AUGUST:PLAYING WITH THE RAUSCHMASCHINE AT QUIET CUE, BERLIN, LIVE STREAMING (21.16 U): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 AUGUST: WITH THE RAUSCHMASCHINE TO MS STUBNITZ, HAMBURG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 MAY: PLAYING AT ' KUNSTUUR' ROTTERDAM, HEIDEGGER Together with Marc Koolen and Rombout Oomen. We made a television programme as a theatrical research about the futuristic period 100 years ago. See YouTube registration of the evening 12 MAY: OPENING OF EXHIBITION AND PRESENTATION IN GALLERY ROODKAPJE, ROTTERDAM WITH MY RAUSCHMASCHINE SEE MORE PICTURES OF THE OPENING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 MAY: PLAYING AT WITH THE RAUSCHMASCHINE AT MUSEUM OF THE BOHEMIAN IN RUIGOORD, AMSTERDAM 31 APRIL 2011: PLAYING ON THE ROOF OF NDSM-TREEHOUSE 14 APRIL: GIVING A WORKSHOP ABOUT SOUND AND FUTURISM FOR TEENAGERS Organizing RAMMELFEST 2.1 sa 26 FEB 20.00 u PickUp Club Amsterdam: FIRST CONCERT WITH MY RAUSCHMASCHINE: ------------------------------------------------------------ Playing at R-20 BERLIN! Thursday 17 feb 2011 january and further; ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE @ NDSM IN AMSTERDAM Developing an experimental sound-project (THE RAUSCHMASCHINE) in an archive cupboard, using it as an instrument and playing with the resonance of several objects in the different drawers and the sound of the unit itself. (In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies. At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations, because the system stores vibrational energy) source: wikipedia To achieve that process, I use the open source program Pure Data for sending frequencies to the cupboard, with my midi-controllers: Listen to Mp3 1 minute playing around: Another recording with different variations, 3 minutes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------